* Contract Start Date
* Contract End Date
* Proposed Annual Financial Commitment (in $USD)
Financial Commitments include rights fees, media spend, and any activation funds included in the agreement.
* Genre
* Sub-genre
Please Select Sub-genre
* Geographical reach to promote the sponsorship (i.e Territorial Marketing Rights)
--Select One-- Global Regional National Local
* Location
Please tag any regions (APAC, EMEA, LATAM, NAM), Countries and Cities that apply.
If you cannot find your marketing territory above, you must enter in the field below.
* Which business categories are included in the sponsorship?
* Please provide the category
* Is Citi the only (exclusive) financial services company that can associate with the sponsorship property?
* If there are other financial services companies sponsoring the property, select the categories in which they activate their sponsorship. Select all that apply.
* Colleague Objectives
* Community Objectives
* Does your organization associate with alcohol, tobacco, pornography or adult content, religion, firearms, hunting or any activities that harm animals, violence, political issues, gambling, or any discriminatory activities against a person or group protected by applicable federal, state or local law?
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